Can you believe another year is over and a new one is about to begin? It’s actually refreshing. 365 days have come and gone and if you’re smart, you’ve made some mental notes along the way. There are things that worked well, things that didn’t work at all and moments you wish you could erase and do all over again. Life is a collection of big and little lessons and it’s up to you to acknowledge them and do things differently for a better outcome.
This secret may come to no surprise to you. In fact, it’s not something you’ll hear and be blowin’ away by. But, this little thing can be the answer to many big things – decisions, happiness, overcoming anxiety, peacefulness, joy, financial stability, confidence, health. So, what is the #1 secret to a better new year . . . MINDFULNESS. Sorry, if you’re disappointed by this – but it really is the secret to living your best life.
You are what you think. Starting a new year is the perfect time for a mindset “cleanse.” And, although it sounds easy, it’s amazing that most people don’t live their life in the moment and are not even aware of their own thoughts. Instead, they live through social media and through other’s opinions. They live in the past with regret and envy. They look forward to the future, hoping for a better outcome. You wonder why everyone is so anxious all of the time? This is why. You can’t control what has already happened and you can’t control what has yet to come. The only thing you can control is, NOW. Learn from the past, but don’t stay there.
Home Is Where Your Head Is:
Home sweet home. Living your best life begins within your head. Make it a happy one, a joyful one and a mindful one. Thinking less than your best will bring you less. Bottom line. So, how do we do this? Trust me, it’s easier said than done. As a person who suffers with anxiety, it’s something I am constantly trying to improve on. I, too will be practicing what I preach. These tips are to help you get started. It’s never too late to empty that full mind and become mindful (like what I did there), so you’re not filling it with toxic thoughts and behaviors.
Mindful Behaviors:
- Live in the NOW.
- Don’t get stuck in the past. The past has one purpose – to learn from it.
- Make a list of goals and reflect on them each night before going to bed.
- Start eating better and moving more today.
- Keep social media apps off your phone so you they’re not so easy to get to. (be sure to check out my post here on the “highlight reel”).
- Surround yourself with genuinely good people.
- Choose your friends wisely.
- Start a gratitude journal and write in it each night.
- Do not contribute to gossip.
- Stop wishing for more and better.
- Be okay with saying no to plans.
- Look for the positives.
- Get 8 hours of sleep.
- Be content with life, regardless if it wasn’t what you had originally planned.
- Find joy in the little things.
- Live simply.
- Think before you act.
- Watch your words.
- Be better than you were yesterday.
- Lend a helping hand.